Summer Homework 2021
Learning isn’t all about letters or numbers or paper. It’s also about experiences and experiments. We’ve put together some summer ‘homework’ for all our Bulldogs, to inspire some adventures and some summer learning! All of these should be done in compliance with local COVID guidelines, whatever they are, and in communities that welcome visitors if travel is involved. Get out there, Bulldogs!
Fly a kite.
Try a new recipe.
Two words: Bike ride.
OK, 3 more: Wear your helmet.
Fix your own bike.
Go to at least one of the museums in Langley.
Go for a hike at a ski hill, just to see what they’re like in summer.
Paddle something! Anything! A floatie, a canoe, a kayak! And wear your life jacket!
Go fishing.
Pick some blackberries. Eat at least one while it is warm from the sun.
Fix or repair something (ex. mend a hole, tighten some screws, etc.).
Communicate with a politician about something that you think they should do are doing well (ex. write a letter, draw a picture, make a phone call, pay a visit, ask your adults to send a tweet or message on social media on your behalf).
Find a sedimentary rock with lots of layers.
Read outside.
Build a blanket fort.
Go cloud-watching or star-gazing.
Climb a tree (safely, and with parent permission or accompaniment).
Go to the (ocean) beach and find crabs under the rocks. Pick one up and feel it tickle.
Ask some older family members to tell you a story from their childhood and record it in some way (write it down, make it into a cartoon, film a video, etc.).
Learn to say good morning in another language. BONUS: learn it in an indigenous language.
Go for a walk, and make a point of saying ‘Hi’ (or good morning) to the people you meet.
Take 5 different photographs of the same one thing, to capture its meaning.
Have a family picnic dinner at Lighthouse Park in West Vancouver. Watch the sun set.
Think of somewhere you usually go quickly to. Now go there as slowly as you can manage (safely) and observe what you’ve always missed.
Go to a water park (thank you for the idea, Jimmy).
Pick up 5 pieces of litter that other people have stepped over.
Identify 5 different birds accurately (‘little brown bird’ doesn’t count!).
Play monopoly or Yahtzee with your family. If you lose, do it gracefully; if you win, do it even more gracefully.
Boss Level: Wet your feet in a stream, a lake, and the ocean, all on the same day!
Tell yourself every day that you’re awesome (because you are)!
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