
Contact Information

Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure the school has up-to-date contact information. If your phone numbers change, or if an emergency contact person is no longer available to pick up your child, you must advise the school.

  • If you want to receive SchoolMessenger notification text messages in the event of emergencies or urgent communications, you can opt-in by following these instructions here.

Does your child know their name, address, and a phone number? It is very important that kids learn this important safety information as early as possible. Here is a learn my phone number printable to help you!

Court Order

In the interest of your child’s safety, please ensure that copies of recent court orders regarding your child(ren) are given to the school office for our records.

Communicating with Teachers

You can find all of our staff emails on the staff directory

Dropping off items for students – Please only  drop off essential items for STUDENTS (ie forgotten lunch, eye glasses) on the desk just inside the foyer. Please label clearly with your students First and Last Name.  Students will be called down for items only at 10:05am and at 11:25am to avoid classroom distruptions.

School Lunches

No glass bottles or containers please to avoid accidental breakage.

Please Remember Cutlery – A reminder to all families that if your child is eating food that requires cutlery, please send it in his/her lunch bag. We do not  have a supply of plastic spoons or forks at the school.


Parents are asked to inform the school as soon as possible if/when they know that their children will be leaving our school or not returning in the fall. Please complete our withdraw form and email it cdavies@sd35.bc.ca

When Children Are Sick

In fairness to all, please do not send your child to school if they are sick. We have neither the facilities nor the personnel to care for sick children. Students who are ill should receive proper medical attention and should not attend school until their health is reasonable.

Our policy is to send students who are sick, home as soon as possible. Our practice is to call parents and ask that the student be picked up. For this reason, it is important that parents keep work and emergency phone numbers current.

Leaving Early

If your child needs to leave the school early, i.e. for medical appointments, illness, etc., parents must come to the office to check their child out. This is a way for us to track students who are no longer in the building, in the event of an emergency.  Please let your child’s teacher know in the morning so they can have them ready and email RBEAttendanceVoicemail@sd35.bc.ca

Please note bell times,  children are outside and may be difficult to to find them on the grounds.

If someone other than who is on your child(ren)’s emergency contact list is picking up your child(ren) or another parent, you MUST contact the office and provide us the person’s name.

 You can check who your emergency contacts/safe pick up people are on the MyEd Parent Portal

Absent / Late

If a child is marked absent, but the office has not received an email or a telephone call from the parent/guardian advising of the absence/tardiness, a phone call home will be made to ensure the child is safe.

If your child will be absent or late,  please click HERE to inform us by email. or call the school office at 604-888-5393 and leave a message.

If your child is late, even by a few minutes, please come to the office to sign in your child. This is simply a way for the homeroom teacher to know that the child has checked in, and no phone call will be made home.

Please contact the office, even if you have already advised the teacher, so that we do not bother you at home.

Parent Late Picking Up Child

Students should be picked up from school after the end of the school day, 2:33pm. The school provides for a fifteen minute supervision period after the end of the school day for student pick-up. The school asks parents, guardians, and caregivers to be mindful of the extra burden placed on the office when students need to be supervised after supervision ends.

If you are unable to pick up your child at the end of the day, (running late due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. traffic) or have plans for someone else to pick up your child, please click HERE to inform us by email or call the school to advise us (604-888-5393), and please let your child’s teacher know in the morning.

Important:  If you know you cannot pick up your child on a daily basis, at the time of dismissal, please arrange for your child to go home with a friend or relative.

Vacation / Extended Absence

If your child will be absent from school for an extended period of time, i.e. for vacation, you will need to notify the office. We will need to know the date your child will be leaving, and the date he/she is expected to return to school.

If your student(s) are going to be away from school due to an extended vacation, or a family leave please fill out form in the link above.

Medication/Medical Alerts

Parents please do NOT send any medication to school in your child’s backpack. Thanks for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Oliver SOliver@sd35.bc.ca

If your child has a life threatening illness such as Anaphylaxis and/or requires the administration of medicine, please fill out the the appropriate form.  The Langley School District has updated its procedures on administrating medicines and EpiPens.

ALL forms MUST be filled out to ensure their child gets the appropriate care.  Forms need to updated each school year.

Life-Threatening Allergies – We are nut aware.

We have students with life-threatening nut allergies in our school community. We cannot promise to be entirely nut free but we try to be as nut aware and careful as possible especially in homerooms of students with allergies

These students use the same books, computers, iPad, door handles etc. as students in every other class so it is a great help to everyone if we avoid bringing peanut products to school. We understand that peanut butter is a popular, economical and easy lunch for many kids but it can truly be deadly for some of our children here.

Students at our school have a variety of food allergies and they are careful not to eat food that has not come from their home. Parents often want to bring treats for birthdays or other events. Please check with the teacher first so that if there are allergies, arrangements can be made for an alternate treat for that child.

Cell Phones / Ipods / Calling Home

Students are not permitted to use cell phones in the school during instructional time except for learning purposes directed by a teacher.

In the event of an emergency when you need to reach your child, please call the office (604-888-5393).

If a child needs to call home, we ask that he/she gets permission from the teacher, and uses the office phone to call home. Office staff often assists children who are sick or injured.

Please note that we discourage the use of school phones to set up after school “play dates”. These arrangements must be made with parents in the morning before the child comes to school.

Head Lice

Students who are found to have lice or nits in their hair will not be sent home that day.  They will, however, be required to be nit-free before they return to class. 

Simply shampooing or otherwise treating for live lice is not enough.  Unless the nits (eggs) are removed, the problem will recur. Please note that head lice is usually a 12 day cycle.

If you have any questions, please contact the school at 604-888-5393

We really appreciate your help in keeping lice under control at RBE

Dogs on the School Property

If you walk your dog while bringing your children to and from school, the dog must be on a leash and in control. If your dog tends to become aggressive around children or other dogs, please leave it at home. We have had several situations this year with dogs becoming agitated and snapping or barking at children.

School Grounds

As a staff, we have become aware of an increasing number of parents and visitors on our school playground during our recess and lunch times. In order to provide a safe space for our children, we ask all parents to come to the office if they have any concerns about their children.

Remember during school hours, the school grounds are for the use of the children in the building. Please do not bring younger siblings to play on the school grounds during school hours.

For safety reasons, we DO NOT encourage parents to stay on our playground during any of our recess times. All parents will be asked to either leave the playground area or visit the office by a staff member should they be spotted on our playground. The safety of our children is our primary focus and we know that our community joins us in this endeavour.

For this reason, we ask for the understanding and cooperation of the community while school is in session, those hours being defined as 8:45 a.m. to 2:33p.m.

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356