Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Code of Conduct Sept.2015-2016
Statement of Purpose:
Our purpose is the development of a community where we all feel included, safe, happy, important and cared for. We the community want to positively impact student achievement and help develop a positive sense of self. Our school vision is: collaboration, cooperation, communication and community.
Conduct Expectations:
Our expectations have the acronym of “BARKS.” Be respectful, accountable, responsible, kind, safe. Our “Barks” behaviour expectations for students are actively taught in every classroom environment. Teachers use the language consistently in all environments. We have developed logical and natural consequences when students choose not to follow these guidelines.
Unacceptable Behaviours:
Examples of unacceptable behaviours are behaviours that:
- Hurt people either emotionally or physically
- Are meant to threaten people with harm
- Are unsafe in any environment either to others or self
- Rudeness, swearing, defiant
- Fighting (or play fighting)
- Damage the school environments or personal property
- Weapons or replica toy weapons
- Threats and intimidation
- Discrimination in any form
- Bullying and cyber-bullying, harassment
- Are illegal activities
This list is not all-inclusive
Increasing Expectations:
Expectations for students increase as they move through the grades, until in grade five, students are introduced as school leaders. There is an expectation that they will be good role models and available to assist younger students with problem solving. Their responsibilities increase, as well as their freedoms.
At Richard Bulpitt, such factors as frequency and severity of the infraction and previous infractions are taken into account when determining reasonable consequences. There is a progressive discipline process, which takes into account the student’s age, their impact on others and the students ability to understand the consequence of his actions.
These consequences may include:
- Review of expectations
- Thinking sheet/apology letter
- Time-out
- Loss of privileges
- Detention
- Parents are informed
- Restorative action
- Meeting with parents
- In-school suspension
- Involvement of other professionals or outside agencies
In cases where the infraction has led to consequences involving restorative action, and more serious consequences, parents guardians will be notified and other parties may be called for assistance.
As circumstances warrant, administrators have a responsibility to advise other parties following a behaviour incident:
- Parent of student exhibiting major behaviour
- Parent of student on the receiving end
- Assistant Superintendent or other District Staff
- Ministerial Agencies and/or school liaison officer (RCMP)
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