This Week at RBE – December 3, 2023

Posted: December 3, 2023


Please drive slowly

There has been a frightening (sometimes literally) increase in the speed with which many drivers are going through our driveway at drop-off and pick-up times. Sometimes, Mr. Oliver isn’t sure whether he should be diving out of the way or waving his SLOW sign frantically (he usually goes with the latter). If you are going slowly (like drag-the-brakes slowly), thank you very much. If you aren’t, please slow down for the safety of our many pedestrians. And if you do get the sign wave, please keep going slowly all the way to the street, rather than speeding back up as soon as you’re past the crosswalk.

Special Visitors on Tuesday

We’re excited to the Honourable Rachma Singh, Minister of Education and Childcare, and Megan Dykeman, MLA for Langley East this Tuesday. They will visit a couple of classrooms and tour the school, with a pair of most-excellent Grade 5s as their guides.

Food Bank Donations

Our school has a long-standing tradition of collecting for the Food Bank. We will not be accepting items for the food bank, but instead will be collecting donations through school cash online, as this offers the Food Bank the most flexibility.

Safe and Caring Online Communities – Online Education session

In partnership with the Ministry of Education and Childcare’s erase strategy, due to high demand, an additional “Social Media Awareness” Family Session will be offered on December 5th at 6:30pm. This 60-minute session will be held virtually via Zoom.

To register for this session please click on the link below:

Family Session: Establishing Safe, Caring, & Respectful Digital Communities Tickets, Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite

Lost and Found

Please remember to check the lost and found for missing items. Located underneath the inside staircase, it is packed full of abandoned outerwear (among other things our students manage to abandon outside). Like water bottles. So. Many. Water. Bottles.

Any unclaimed items will be donated on the last day of school before the winter break.

Items are donated 3 times per school year.

    1. Last day before Winter Break – December 21st
    2. Last day before Spring Break – March 15
    3. Last day of School – June 27

Report Cards

We start publishing Learning Updates on Monday afternoon. Sometimes everything goes smoothly. Sometimes technology is Mr. Oliver’s least favourite thing. We will be publishing one grade at a time, starting with grade 5. If you have more than one child, please be patient, as technology and emergencies can create some big gaps in the publishing schedule. If you haven’t received alert emails for all of your children by 6:00 Monday evening, that would be the time to send Mr. Oliver an email to let him know.

MyEd Parent Portal

Parent Portal Login   –

    • Report cards are only posted for a short period of time, it is recommended that you save a copy of your student’s report card. (Term 1 reports cards will not be visible once term 2 is posted in March and term 2 is not visible once term 3 is posted in June.)
    • Passwords are reset every 90 days.
    • If you need assistance with your Parent Portal, please click here

Please use the guides links below to help you navigate the system. 

If you need your password reset, please email with the following information;

    • Parent/Guardian full name
    • Parent/Guardian Email
    • Student(s) full name
    • Division/teacher.

Something to read or watch…

Winter, it seems, is upon us. This list of 100+ outdoor winter activities for kids is one of those blogs that is awash in ads, but it does have some neat ideas. I decided not to give my email to get a printable version of the list, but you might want to. I’m especially intrigued by the natural Suncatchers item (number 4) and the homemade wind chimes (number 76).

PAC News

The December PAC newsletter is now up on our website here:

Treat Day

Tuesday Dec 5th is the Last Day to Order Your Treat Day Selections for Dec 15th.

Please make sure you submit your Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday, December 5th here:

If you do not, your child will not receive their Treat on Friday Dec 15th.

You can view general information about fun lunches on our website here.

Holiday Movie Night – Friday, December 8th

Come join us in the RBE gym to watch your holiday favourites!

Ice Age plays at 5:30 PM, and doors open at 5:00 PM.

Santa Clause plays at 7:45 PM, and doors will open at 7:15 PM.

We recommend you purchase your tickets and concession in advance due to limited availability. They will be on sale until December 6th on MunchaLunch:

Tickets are $3 per movie, and required for everyone. Please only buy tickets for one showing, as we are limited to selling 300 tickets due to capacity limitations.

Don’t forget to bring a blanket, pillows, or comfy chairs to sit on!

Giving Trees for our Langley Christmas Bureau Families 

Our giving tree initiative is now underway and will run until Friday, Dec 8. We are sponsoring 3 families from the Langley Christmas Bureau this year and the trees are now set up in the school foyer. 

Parents/guardians are invited to take a tag from one of the trees that’s within their budget and bring back the item with the tag attached to the gift wrapped box under the corresponding tree. 

Vancouver Giants Fundraiser – Order Deadline is December 18th

We’re selling tickets for the December 29 7:00 PM home game vs. the Edmonton Oil Kings at Langley Events Centre. Tickets are $22. 

Purchase your Vancouver Giants fundraiser on Munchalunch under Open Fundraisers! 

You can also purchase tickets via e-transfer to Please put your last name and # of tickets in the notation line for e-transfers. 

Ticket delivery will be through e-tickets.

Stay in the Know

Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!

Quote(s) of the week

Things to Remember from the Calendar

Monday, December 4

Report Cards Issued (online)

Tuesday, December 5

Minister of Education & Child Care and MLA visit

Safe & Caring Online Communities online session

Wednesday, December 6

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women 

Friday, December 8

PAC Movie Night 5:00 and 7:45 showings.

Thursday, December 21

Last day of classes before winter break.

Friday, December 22

Caldendar Variation Day – School Closed

Richard Bulpitt Elementary

20965 - 77A Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Y 2E6
Phone: 604-888-5393
Fax: 604-888-5356