Posted: November 19, 2023
Dogs on RBE grounds
We love dogs here at RBE. Especially Bulldogs! But we also want all of our community members to feel and be safe. If you bring a dog to school at pick-up or drop-off, please make sure that dog is leashed and under the control of someone responsible and strong enough to manage that dog. We have had occasional incidents at school or on the fields where a loose dog has had a negative interaction with another dog or with a child. We want to be able to continue to welcome all of the Bulldogs’ canine friends, but we can only do so if everyone does their part. Thank you.
Michael Bortolotto is coming
On Thursday, we are excited to be welcoming inspirational speaker, Michael Bortolotto to our school to speak to our students. Michael is a “Positive Rebel [who] doesn’t tolerate their negative thoughts, ideas of limitations, and fears that are self-imposed.”
Report Cards (Learning Updates) are also coming
It’s time to make sure you can log into MyeducationBC in anticipation of Learning Updates being published on December 4. The poster below has some hints.
Langley RCMP Fundraiser – Electric Recycling and Shredding Event
Our community partner, the Langley RCMP is hosting a free Electronic Recycling and Shredding event on Wednesday, November 22nd from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the parking lot of the Langley Events Center. There is no cost for this service, but donations will be accepted with proceeds supporting the Salvation Army Gateway of Hope. Please see the flyer below for details.
Winter Solstice Family Gathering Poster 2023
A Season of Theatre
Across the District, our drama/theatre programs are gearing up for another fabulous year of musical and theatrical productions featuring Langley’s students. Please get out and support the Arts in our schools by attending one or all of the shows that will be happening in the new year. Individual show times and ticket sales will happen through each school’s own website.
Something to read or watch…
PAC News
Spirit Wear Orders are in!
Spirit Wear orders are finally in, and will be delivered to classes by the end of the week. Thank you for your support!
General PAC Meeting – Monday, November 20th
Please join us for the November General PAC Meeting on Monday November 20th at 7 PM in the Richard Bulpitt Elementary School Library.
After the meeting we will be setting up the Giving Trees for our families from the Langley Christmas Bureau.
You can enter through the main entry doors at the front of the school.
This is open to all parents of the RBE school community. Hope to see you there!
Fun Lunch
Tuesday Nov 21st is the Last Day to Order Your Red Robin Fun Lunch for Dec 1st.
Please make sure you submit your Fun Lunch Order and PAY IT IN FULL by 11:59pm Tuesday, November 21st here:
If you do not, your child will not receive their Fun Lunch on Friday Dec 1st.
You can view the full list of upcoming fun lunches and general information about fun lunches on our website here.
Giving Trees for our Langley Christmas Bureau Families – starting Friday Nov 24th
Our giving tree initiative will begin on Friday, Nov 24 and will run until Friday, Dec 8. We will be sponsoring 3 families from the Langley Christmas Bureau this year and the trees will be set up in the school foyer.
Parents/guardians are invited to take a tag from one of the trees that’s within their budget and bring back the item with the tag attached to the gift wrapped box under the corresponding tree.
Sweet and Salty Fundraiser – Order Deadline Nov 27
Order a tub of Whimsie’s Fairy Floss and/or a delicious bag of Kernel’s popcorn on MunchaLunch!
5 flavours of popcorn and fairy floss each to choose from! Supplies are limited so get yours quick!
Snacks will be distributed on November 29th after school in courtyard. If you require it sooner, please email to arrange.
Purdy’s Holiday Fundraiser – Order Deadline is November 26
Our Purdy’s fundraiser is now live, and you can order your favourites here:
Customer # 28445.
Parent pickup is tentatively scheduled for December 9.
Vancouver Giants Fundraiser – Order Deadline is December 18th
We’re selling tickets for the December 29 7:00 PM home game vs. the Edmonton Oil Kings at Langley Events Centre. Tickets are $22.
Purchase your Vancouver Giants fundraiser on Munchalunch under Open Fundraisers!
You can also purchase tickets via e-transfer to Please put your last name and # of tickets in the notation line for e-transfers.
Ticket delivery will be through e-tickets.
Winter Market – Friday, November 24th
Get into the holiday spirit and join us for the Winter Market at Richard Bulpitt Elementary, featuring local vendors (some of our own RBE students and other students in the community), coffee bar, and exciting door prizes!
Visit and take a photo with Santa with cash donations.
Entry with donation of non-perishable food item(s).
All proceeds raised will go towards our sponsored families from the Langley Christmas Bureau.

More information about vendors here:
Stay in the Know
Follow the Richard Bulpitt PAC Facebook page, our Instagram ( and now visit our website to stay up-to-date with all the details!
Quote(s) of the week

Things to Remember from the Calendar
Monday, November 20
- PAC Meeting – 7pm
Thursday, November 23
- Michael Bortolotto presentations
Friday, November 24
- PAC Winter Market – 5pm in the gym
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